Reasons To Do A Skipping Workout

  • Posted by Shubhajit Chakraborty
  • at 11:32 PM -

Skipping keeps you healthy all time

1.       10 minutes of skipping exercise is same as you are running a mile in 9 minutes. So keep skipping to shed weight
2.       Rope skipping burns 1,400 calories in one hour. So, it is better than running
3.       Skipping is an overall body workout. It works mainly on your abdominal part and hamstring. It also keep flexible to shoulders and arms
4.       Improper running or improper running gears can harm your joints; skipping doesn’t have that disadvantage
5.       Skipping is an inexpensive way of workout
6.       A regular skipping can tone your upper and lower muscle tone
7.       Skipping helps in improving bone density, thus prevent osteoporosis
8.       Skipping helps to regular blood pressure and improve heart rate


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